What’s In My Bag….

What's In My Bag...


I don’t know about you but I’m always curious to see what other people have in their bags (I guess you can call me nosey).  Perhaps I’m missing something that I haven’t thought of or maybe there’s a cool new product out there that will make my on-the-go life just a little easier.  So, if you have any suggestions, I’m all ears!  In the meantime, here’s a peek at what’s inside my bag (which in case I haven’t mentioned is so roomy plus it’s reversible and it’s under $50….does it get any better than that?).  I cannot leave home without snacks (they are my lifeline as my four year downward spirals in Target) so I love Annie’s fruit snacks because they’re not messy, they’re free of preservatives and he thinks it’s dessert!  As for myself, I always need a bottled water on hand plus a quick and easy snack like a cereal bar (and mints need no explanation).  Wipes and hand sanitizer are a no brainer especially as a mom.  I prefer the all natural versions since they’re constantly putting their hands to their face.  A notebook and pen are essential because I’m perpetually thinking of the next thing I have to do and if I don’t write it down instantly, 9 out of ten times I forget.  As for my beauty essentials, I’m usually pulling my hair back so hair ties are very handy (love this tortoise one).  And, lip balm is a must…I’m definitely addicted.  I love this Sun Bum one with SPF.  This RMS luminizer keeps me looking alive even on the days I’m limping along (like yesterday when it was sooo hot and I needed copious amounts of caffeine).  I also like to keep a pretty smelling hand lotion in my bag because my hands tend to get dry and isn’t it nice to smell fresh??  I love this Kate Spade wallet my husband bought me a few Christmases ago.  It’s sleek and simple and keeps all my stuff organized.   And lastly, over sized sunglasses are everything to me.  They instantly make me feel pulled together even if I’m running errands in my work-out clothes.  I’ve been living in my pair from Target but when I spotted these recently, I’ve been thinking about treating myself….
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